Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Influences: Celebrities Essay

The environment of a child molds them into the person they will become as an adult. The biggest influences in children lives are parents and celebrities. There are positive and negative influences these two both set as role models. When a child sees behavior of their parents affects their mental and social development as they grow. It seems today that children are trying to act older than they really are. Pressure from parents and celebrities could be responsible for this behavior and change in identity. The way children are influenced by our parents is entirely different by how they are influenced by celebrities. There are children who may make a bad decision about sex, drugs, money, or just maybe in life. As a child grows the images they see stays with them as the turn into teenagers. Then they think it is okay because the person they look up to besides a parent have demonstrated or talked about it. Parents can also influence bad decisions as well. Celebrities may play a great role in influencing a teenager’s preferences and perception towards. It is important for celebrities to keep up a good image. The influence of celebrities can range from one’s personal appearance to how a person interacts with the community. Celebrities have influenced people to wear similar clothes, to have the same hairstyle, or to use the same brand of cosmetics and other personal effects. Teenagers look up to celebrities for every minor update from the fashion world in the lust to look good and current. Girls are pressured to be skinnier and prettier, because that is what they see women look like in magazines and television. Sex sells and the media know that. It is also dangerous for children and teens to become obsessed with celebrities and everything their lives entail. The infatuation teenagers have over celebrities and their lifestyles can take over their own lives. Parents being the first influence in a kid’s life can affect them in the best possible manner by helping them to develop good personalities full of quality ethical and moral values. Family is the primary institution in the lives of individuals, with mother being the first teacher. Parents influence the life of an individual in multiple ways. The kid looks at the lifestyle of his parents and tries to adapt with them, therefore following everything that he looks at. Parents are the initial influence in their children’s lives. If parents have good morals and confidence so will their children. But if children see their parents displaying negative behaviors such as smoking, or abusing drugs and alcohol, or even possessing low self-esteem, the children will believe it is acceptable and are more likely to do so. Although celebrities influence lives in a big way, parents have a greater influence. Quality time spent with family could balance their self-images and lessen the need closely watch what celebrities are doing and the entertainment shows are created to cause hype directed towards famous people. No matter how much a person is influenced by celebrities, it can be limited when parents come into the picture. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a positive influence coming from celebrities, but when a person starts to show negative behavior because of this influence, parents and family will have to step in to change a person’s perspective. Throughout our lives, we are influenced by a lot of people. During the early year, family and parents play an important role in influencing and developing our own set of attitude and behavior. Our personal relationship with our parents would determine how we respond to or how we are influenced by other people. As we grow up, we become exposed to famous people, more often celebrities, who can then influence the way we look, the way we dress, and the way we interact with other people in the community. The way we are influenced by our parents is entirely different by how we are influenced by celebrities.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Motivational theories within the workplace Essay

Motivation is ‘a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way’. Motivation can be defined as a process that helps achieve goals through behaviour that guides and maintains behaviour in order to achieve a positive end result. Motivation leads to actions, such as researching a topic, educate yourself to further your knowledge or working to earn money. Abraham Maslow believed that humans had motivation and drive dependant on their needs. The main need being physiological which is followed by other needs of less importance such as safety, love, esteem and self actualisation. This was then placed into a hierarchy of needs represented into a pyramid (See appendix 1). Maslow believed that the first need had to be met in order to achieve to move forward to the second. Alongside Maslow’s theory of motivation, Herzberg has a two factor content theory of motivation which is also a main theory. From Herzberg’s research he suggested a two-step approach to understanding employee motivation and satisfaction. Herzberg’s two factor theory distinguishes between the motivators and hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are needed for employees to feel comfortable at work if these are not met and are adequate, this can cause dissatisfaction for employees. Hygiene factors include feelings of job security, working conditions, wages and company policy. Overall hygiene factors are needed to ensure employee is not dissatisfied. Motivator factors are needed to create job satisfaction once motivational factors are met this can see employees are performing above what is expected of them. Motivator factors include a sense of personal achievement, opportunity for promotion, responsibility and gaining recognition. Motivator factors are needed to motivate employees to perform at higher level. (Appendix 2†¦) An Advantage of Maslow’s theory is the order that is needed to identify the needs of the employees, ranging from basic to higher needs. Another advantage of Maslow’s theory is that it can be applied to various ways of understanding employee behaviour and deciding rewards at different levels from a management view. Disadvantage of Maslow’s model is that one stage  needs to be met before progress onto another stage can be achieved. Another disadvantage is that Maslow theory may be restricted to western cultures it does not take into account different cultures and the need of those cultures. An Advantage of Herzberg’s theory is identification of factors which will motivate and demotivate employees, factors which can be controlled by management. Herzberg’s model can also be used to identify issues that need to be addressed by management for example; hygiene and cleanliness in the workplace. A Disadvantage of Herzberg’s model is; the model can be seen as a generalisation which may not be applicable to all employees and workforces. Some employees get paid by the hour, therefore may not be interested in motivator factors, rather completing many hours of work which will result in a larger paycheque. Both theorists based their argument on human internal feelings needing to be satisfied, before work of a higher standard can be expected. Both theories suggest similar criteria that motivate employees. Similarities also extend to one stage must be completed before advancing onto the next. Both theories are also influenced by factors such as environmental conditions and employee attitudes. Although both theories have similarities there are also differences, Maslow’s theory has a hierarchy and Herzberg does not have a hierarchy. The main goal of Maslow’s theory is for needs to be met in order for an individual to develop a healthy way of life. Herzberg’s ultimate goal is for motivation to be the attitude of the employee, whilst not focusing on the quality of life for the employee. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is relevant to Google. Google focuses on the psychological, friendship and esteem needs of Maslow’s theory. Google believes in providing awards for its employees. Google recognises that employees are not alone motivated by pay bonuses. Google provides dining facilities, laundry rooms, massage rooms, haircuts, car washes and dry cleaning services within their workplace for their employees. Google recognises that if employees can get errands done on their work breaks that they will feel much walk accomplished and this will show in their work. Hertzberg’s theory is relevant to Apple. Apple implements aspects of  Hertzberg’s theory within the structure of the company. Apple uses hygiene factors as a foundation that they launch from, these factors in themselves do not motivate staff yet leave them in a neutral state. Building on from this, motivating factors that are used for employees are the knowledge they are gaining working for Apple one of the world’s leading companies in technology. Everything is top-secret employees have regular meetings keeping them refreshed with tasks, not always knowing the full extent of the work they are doing aware we can lead to. Employees are set to work in groups with each other this motivates them together to come up with new ideas, which could possibly be used in technology all over the world. After reviewing both Hertzberg and Maslow’s theory, I believe Maslow’s theory to be more effective when implemented in a work force environment. Maslow’s theory considers a step-by-step needs of the employees, whereas Hertzberg’s theory does have step-by-step needs, it’s simply allows the employee to be a neutral state of mind whilst adding in factors which can motivate them. Maslow’s theory is much more details and when implemented can have higher results. Apple uses the theory of Hertzberg, whereas Google uses the theory of Maslow. Google seem to have a much more content work force stemming from the luxuries they offer. Where as if it wasn’t for the fact that Apple employees were working for such a well-known employer, i believe Hertzberg’s theory would be much less effective within a workforce. Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers in achieving organisational performance Management approaches are important to an organisation as they are the voice between the management and workers within an organisation. If management value their workers and make them feel valued, this will produce a positive working environment, which allows employees to perform at their best. Dependant on the approach used this can also increase communication within the workforce, which can lead to spur of the moment ideas which the business benefits from. By delivering a positive management approach to the workforce, organisation will need to invest time and money, which is then put back into the company with a positive workforce. There are three  categories of motivation theories. The first is the satisfaction theory, this is the assumption that satisfied worker is a productive worker. Incentive theories, believe the individual will work harder when good performance is rewarded. Intrinsic theory believes the reward will come from the satisfaction in the work itself, employees enjoy participating in their role and see it as an opportunity to learn. All three theories of motivation believe the individuals need encouragement to perform at their best. Google uses satisfaction theory; they satisfy their workforce by offering them numerous benefits which makes them happy they believe that by workers having perks such as laundry service, car wash, massage etc. available at work, they will perform at the highest standard. Apple uses the intrinsic theory; they believe that their employees should be privileged to work for the company, employees also believe in the reward will come from the satisfaction in the work yourself. Employees will feel motivated by the thought that they are possibly changing future technology. Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change Leadership is ‘the action of leading a group of people or an organization’. Leadership can be seen as a person or team with authority who offer guidance to employees which are under their control of management. Democratic leadership allows members of the group to share and contribute ideas. This approach is taken upon the belief that the learning style is usually most effective and will lead to more productive results. Benefit of democratic leadership is that quote members are encouraged to share their thoughts which can lead to better and more creative solutions to problems. The downside of a democratic leadership can be communication failures in group work, also, team members may not have the necessary knowledge needed to make contributions. Autocratic leadership is when an individual takes control over group members. Autocratic leaders will generally make choices based on their own preferences. Benefits of autocratic leadership are decisions can be made without consulting employees. Disadvantage of autocratic leadership is that it can be easily abused by an individual member, which employees may then hold resentment towards. Employees may also feel that there are opinions are not being taken on board. Laissez faire is the style of leadership where management allow employees freedom. Employees have the power and authority to choose their own decisions and goals. Benefits of this approach are that employee’s feel they have been trusted, therefore work harder to achieve a better result. Negative effects of this leadership may lead to employees not managing their schedule effectively enough, costing company’s time and money. Paternalistic leadership is a form of fatherly management style. Generally used by dominant male figures, where employees are expected to be loyal such as the father and son relationship. Benefits of this leadership style are loyal and obedient employees. Disadvantage of this style of leadership are employees not able to contribute their ideas regularly. Laissez faire leadership is consistent with that of Google. Google allow their employees to self manage their own time schedule, they believe this to be the most effective method to get the best results possible. Google believe if employees are allowed to manage their own workload, this will create a more productive workforce. Autocratic leadership is consistent with Apples method of leadership. The decisions are chosen by Steve jobs solely. While Steve would take on opinions from employees the end product decision is his. Democratic leadership has aspects of both Apple and Google leadership styles within it. Both Apple and Google allow their employees to work within team, to discuss ideas and thoughts, allowing employees with certain skill sets to come together and to bounce off each other. Skills needed by a leader are presents, motivation, creating a vision,  creating a good team atmosphere, being able to utilise the skills of different team members. The main skill needed is being able to achieve effective performance from their employees. Explain the nature of team working Groupwork is ‘a number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together’. There are two types of groups, formal groups and informal groups. Formal groups are those such as work relations defined by structure. Informal groups such as friends, society are structured. The difference between a team and a group in the workplace is that a group interacts primarily to share information, whereas a team binds individual efforts to perform better together in a group. The goal within groups is to share information; the goal within teams is for collective performance. The synergy between groups can be negative whereas in teams it is mainly positive. The skills within a group are random and varied whereas in a team they are complementary. Research is done by management when organising together a team, so that key skills complement allowing employees to thrive off each other. Whereas groups are always varied, if in a group you fail, you fail your part. If in a team you fail, the whole team suffers as a consequence. There are five stages of group development. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning stage. The forming stage is the first stage, when groups gather; there is much uncertainty about the group from the differing personalities to whom will take charge. The second stage is storming stage where there are many conflicts, as the group get to know each other. Norming stage is the third, where conflicts are generally resolved, closer relationships are formed and employees find ways of tolerating one another. Performing stage is stage four, a team is created where employees know how to motivate each other and recognise one another’s skill set. Adjourning stage is stage five, where activities are wrapped up and finalised. In a team where you have different employees playing different roles, the more variety you have the roles and skills you have, with a better outcome. Factors which can promote effective teams are diversity, communication, leadership and team-building exercises. Diversity can promote an effective  team by embracing different cultures and talents aswell as raising awareness/respect for differences which will then go on to support effective teams. Lacking diversity in teams can lead to team members not able to solve problems as their mindsets are very similar. Effective communication can promote an effective team, if team members feel confident to question each other on the task; this will lead to a more defined overall product. An effective team is supported by leadership, leaders support teams by utilising and coordinating skills, aswell as keeping a positive atmosphere. Belbin was upon the belief that if you bought employees together with a varied skill set, the end result would speak volumes. Belbin decided which roles would need to be fulfilled within a team these are (Appendix 3). Cohesiveness is ‘degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group’. Ways in which group cohesiveness can be increased can be to make the group smaller, so that employees have a closer connection to one another and can communicate more effectively. Increasing time employees spend together will increase motivation to participate. Stimulating competition with rival groups will create good cohesiveness as groups will strive to win. Physically isolating the group in an environment where they can only leave until the task is done, will increase the cohesiveness as the group will all have the same aim in mind of finishing the project a.s.a.p. The overall importance of teams is essential to the both Apple and Google. Much of the process of initiating new ideas for the company is created within teams of employees with specialised skill sets. Discuss what factors may promote or threaten the development of effective teamwork in organisations Ability can affect an employee’s behaviour within the workforce, if they are capable of doing the work at hand; they are likely to accomplish it. If an individual does not feel they have the ability to do the work set, this can affect their behaviour in the workforce as they can become lazy,  un-enthusiastic and brush this off onto their peers. Google work with their employees so that employees can set their own targets, this is an advantage as employees would only set targets they have the ability to achieve. An attitude is ‘a mental’ state an individual has within the workforce, individual behaviour can be affected severely if a person does not have the correct attitude needed for the task, work may be completed to an unsatisfactory level with the maximum time taken to do so, a person’s ambition can also be affected by poor attitude towards their work. (Appendix 4)†¦ Stress and change can have a huge influence on an individual’s behaviour, for somebody who is suffering with stress, this may cause low confidence levels and poor obedience in line with the company’s values classing the employee as a liability.(Appendix 5)†¦ All these factors which can affect an employee’s performance within teamwork, can brush off onto other members of the team with the same negative results. Apple and Google do their best to ensure these negative factors do not occur within their workforce, by the perks which employees are offered. Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within the two organisations There are many different ways of technology in which employees of Apple and Google can communicate with each other. Skype, e-mails, messaging, voice calls. Advantages of using technology to communicate within teams is this can be done outside of the workforce, and is available at all times, so if a team member had spontaneous idea, they could relay this to their peers, this also allows employees increased times for decision making aswell as equalisation of team members. Disadvantage of this is employees may then lack professionalism and not focus on the task at hand; the quality of technology responses can be hindered such as an employee replying to a quick e-mail on a Friday afternoon which is likely to be brief. Issues in using today’s technology is that it may not always be reliable, as all employees cannot access the technology at the same time, or if it is under maintenance.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monitor a Safe Workplace Essay

|Unit BSBOHS407A |Qualification | |Monitor a Safe Workplace |Certificate IV in Frontline Management | | | |Learner | |Start Date | | |Assessor | |Due Date | | | | |Task |Description |Who |What |Duration | |( 1 |Complete your workbook |Student |Workbook |10 hours | | | | |Text book | | |( 2 |Journal entry (one per week) |Student |Diary |20 mins | |( 3 |Scenario and Questions |Student |Questionnaire |1.5 hours | |( 4 |Underpinning Knowledge Questions |Student |Questionnaire |1.5 hours | |( 5 |Workplace Project |Student |Computer |6 hours (report) | | | | |Work Team |+ time on the job | |( 6 |Supervisor’s Checklist |Supervisor |Checklist |15 mins | | | | |Workplace Project: | | | | | |Create an OHS file for the information you collect while working through this unit. Consider your own organisation, or one that you have researched. | |Include the following: | |description of your organisation; | |organisational chart of your workplace with list of names, positions and responsibilities; | |floor plan of your workplace with emergency exits labeled; | |your organisation’s OHS policy and procedures; | |organisational chart and job descriptions; | |information from relevant state or territory’s OHS au thorities; | |information from national OHS authorities; | |Risk Assessment forms and instructions/procedure | |copies of your organisation’s records and reports relating to OHS; and | |information from employees and health and safety representatives. | | | |Categorise the information and write a contents page for the folder/file. | | | |Conduct two (2) Risk Assessments on potential workplace hazards using the organisation’s procedures; attach the documentation. | | | | | |Contact your assessor if you require further information. | | | | | | | |_______________________________________ | |Student Signature | |DECLARATION: The attached information is all my own work | | | Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Candidate’s Name: ___________________________________________________ | |C |NYC | |FEEDBACK FROM MANAGER/SUPERVISOR | | | | | | | |Please consider how the candidate GENERALLY performs. | | | |Does your feedback confirm that the candidate can: | | | |Provide information to the workgroup about OH&S policies and procedures |( |( | |Implement and monitor participative arrangements for the management of OH&S |( |( | |Implement and monitor an organisation’s procedures for providing OH&S training |( |( | |Implement and monitor procedures for identifying hazards and assessing risks |( |( | |Implement and monitor the organisation’s procedures for controlling risks |( |( | |Implement and monitor the organisation’s procedures for maintaining OH&S for the team |( |( | | | |How does the candidate monitor safety in the workplace? | | | | | | | | | | | |COMMENTS FROM SUPERVISOR REGARDING CANDIDATE’S PERFORMANCE AGAINST THESE COMPETENCIES | | | | | | | |Supervisor’s Name and Signature: | | | |Email: | | | |Qualifications: | | | |Date: | Important: The candidate cannot be deemed competent until this checklist is returned. Please contact the assessor to discuss issues relating to this assessment, Corelink 02 9779 9800. Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Candidate’s Name: __________________________________ | | | |ASSESSOR’S OBSERVATIONS |Satisfactory | | | | | |Yes No | |Participates in group activities and group discussion in the learning & development environment, OR, responded to |( |( | |assessor’s questions in the required time frame and to the required standard. | | | |Completed workbook activities to appropriate standard |( |( | |Recorded legitimate details of workplace issues in his/her journal and offered these issues and other discussion |( |( | |generating evidence to the workshop group | | | |Discussed and demonstrated an ability to work through issues raised on a one-to-one basis with the assessor (where |( |( | |the assessor coached the candidate through the issue) | | | |Demonstrated underpinning knowledge of the performance criteria for this unit |( |( | |Performance in the learning & development environment was at a standard that reflected the candidate’s knowledge and |( |( | |understanding of this unit | | | |Ability to recognise opportunities to transfer learnings from group activities and discussions into the workplace |( |( | |Knowledge of how the elements and performance criteria of this unit integrate with and relate to the candidate’s |( |( | |organisation’s actual strategy | | | |ALL evidence submitted for assessment was appropriate for the level at which the candidate is being assessed |( |( | |Used effective people skills to relate to and communicate with others whilst in the learning & development |( |( | |environment | | | | | |COMMENTS FROM ASSESSOR REGARDING CANDIDATE’S PERFORMANCE | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Assessor Name and Signature: Date: | Important: The candidate cannot be deemed competent until this checklist is returned. ———————– 1. Notes to Learner: †¢ ALL evidence should be checked off and attached to this document prior to submission for assessment. It is important you supply enough evidence so you can demonstrate that you are capable of performing at the appropriate standard in the workplace. Without the required evidence, you cannot be assessed as COMPETENT IN THE WORKPLACE by your assessor. †¢ The supervisor/third party checklist is to be completed by your supervisor. If you do not have a supervisor (for example, if you are a business owner), contact your assessor to arrange for a suitable third party to complete the checklist. †¢ Whether you are participating in FLM facilitated-learning workshops or learning self-paced, the assessor will complete a checklist to record evidence of your participation in group discussion, group activities or one-on-one interviews and emails. This will record an assessment of your underpinning knowledge and ability to transfer the learnings from the discussion and activities back to the workplace. †¢ Please contact your assessor if you require any assistance whilst preparing or collecting this evidence. †¢ If you do not have the instructions about how to keep a Journal, please contact your assessor. †¢ If you do not understand anything fully, contact your assessor. †¢ Go to Corelink’s website if you need tips on studying via distance learning. QUESTIONNAIRE Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace SCENARIO Complete your answers using a word processor. The answers do not need to be lengthy (bullet points will do). The company you work for was recently purchased by another, much larger company. Although the employees have been assured that no retrenchments would occur they are still skeptical about what the future holds for them. The new managers appear to be quite open with staff about their vision for the company and have introduced major changes to its work practices to help them achieve their objectives. Workers are required to move to a new safety system. There has never been a formal system in place before. You have been put in charge of the project. Describe how you would go about the following: a. Information Sessions on OHS Legislation b. Method of explaining industry regulations to staff c. Draft of a suitable OHS Policy d. Explanation of how accessible this policy should be to employees e. Procedure for electing OHS representatives and committee f. Explanation of how meetings will be conducted g. Consultation methods you will use, and as assessment of that consultation with employees regarding the identification of workplace hazards h. Training requirements i. A checklist relating to hazards in your work area j. Draft of an Incident Reporting Procedure UNDERPINNING KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONNAIRE Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSBOHS407A: Monitor a Safe Workplace Complete your answers using a word processor. The answers do not need to be lengthy (bullet points will do). 1. Discuss the responsibilities that OH&S legislation places on employees and managers 2. Describe the legal responsibilities of safety representatives and committees 3. What is meant by an employer’s OH&S ‘Duty of Care’? 4. What should OH&S audits evaluate? 5. What OH&S records should be maintained? 6. Why do we have OH&S policies and procedures? 7. ———————– Corelink PTY LTDAssessment Tool  ©Corelink Pty LtdAssessment Tool

CFD Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CFD - Assignment Example g for the small wind controlled turbines is not as essential as other factors since the passive over speeding regulates the smaller relative influences of the drag on the engine performance. The total improvement is measured by the cruise lift and the high-lift root of the airfoil to reduce the inboard solidity apart from enhancing the starting torque. The different aerofoil shapes have three possible cruise lift measures 0.1, 0.4 and 0.6. The velocity of the aerofoil increases with a steeper gradient from the beginning of the take-off and then the gradient gradually reduces as the aircraft stabilizes. With the airfoil positioned in the stream of air with the speed V∞, the air flow parts closer to the leading edge and then passes the upper surface and the lower surface of the airfoil at the same time. At that point, when the air flow splits up, the speed of the air flow reduces to 0, a point referred to as the point of stagnation. It is placed near the aerofoil leading edge, but the position changes in relation to the angle of attack (Bertin & Cummings 2009, p. 49). Pressure and Velocity have a significant effect on the performance of the aerofoil. It is found that in higher pressure zones, the velocity of the aerofoil is reduced because of strong turbulence. On the other hand, low pressure caused weak turbulence, enabling the aerofoil to experience faster cruise (Clancy 1975, p. 48). High pressure is required only in two conditions, during the takeoff and landing, where an air craft is expected to change altitude. Los speed id desired for safe landing and for climbing. The relationship between velocity and pressure is shown in figure 6 below. For the following explanations it is assumed, that a stream of air is directed against an airfoil, which is fixed in space (Houghton & Carpenter 2003, p. 83). This is equivalent to an airfoil moving through the air - just a question of the reference system. A typical wind tunnel works in the same way. The qualitative

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Film analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Film analysis - Essay Example presents this plot in pre-World War II California, with a drifter named Frank Chambers as the lover, Cora Smith-Papadakis as the scheming wife, and Nick â€Å"Greek† Papadakis as the unsuspecting husband; and a controversial Chinese motion picture directed by Zhang Yimou and Yang Fengliang with the title Ju Dou (1990), having early 1900’s rural China as its setting with Tianqing as the lover and Ju Dou as the wife of a ruthless textile mill owner Jinshan, Tianqing’s adoptive uncle. The concept of a cheating wife getting rid of the husband and living with her lover for the rest of their lives is what makes the two stories similar, however major differences with the genre, the settings, and the context as well as the cultural background and character motivations are factors that separate the two stories from each other. The settings in both stories show that the husband and wife work together to earn their living. Nick and Cora operate a roadside sandwich joint (Cain Chap. 1 p.3), and similarly Jinshan and Ju Dou work together in running a large textile mill in a rural village (Ju Dou). Another similarity with the two pairs is that both women got married to a man they do not love, and must work each day despite not being happy with their lives. What sets the two stories apart is that in the case of the western couple, Cora seems to have enough guts and confidence to assert herself and that her husband does not control her too freely, while in the eastern couple Ju Dou is entirely submissive to her husband Jinshan and always gets beatings from him nearly each night since she cannot give him a son. She is also gets verbal abuse each day due to this dilemma, even if in reality Jinshan was really the barren one due to having a good deal of wives unable to bear him any children (Ju Dou). Being unable to take any more of her husband’s beating, as well as slowly being attracted to her adopted nephew Tianqing who treats her well despite having awkward and silent

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the recent European Union Essay

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the recent European Union treaties such as the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Treaty fo Nice, and the EU Constitution, which w - Essay Example Membership in the European Union is advantageous to all members because the EU represents the best of the European democratic tradition and is an expression of its constituent members. As a multinational organization, the EU represents various national interests within an overarching political framework. The EU is a multilateral organization which operates on the basis of negotiation between member states and relies on collective decision making to achieve its ends. Members are joined together and bound by treaties signifying their participation within the larger EU political framework. The political decisions of member-states are thus constrained by their allegiance and signatory status to overarching EU treaties (Almond et al. 455-6). Although it has not always been the case, modern-day Europe is characterized by a unifying democratic political culture. While the concept of democracy originated on its shores, the philosophy of democratic governance was challenged in 20th century Europe by authoritarian political movements, including fascism (expressed by Nazi Germany & Mussolini’s Italy), and communism (as exemplified in Eastern Europe during the Cold War). With Allied victory in World War II and the collapse of the Soviet Union, democracy became a universal trend amongst European states. In fact liberal democracy, best expressed by the states of Western Europe with entrenched democratic traditions, is quickly becoming the standard for the continent (Almond et al. 26-53). Democratic norms and rules have subsequently been established through a pan-European legal framework, the European Union. Two early treaties established the normative, and inherently democratic, framework for today’s EU. The Treaty of Rome, signed in March of 1957, proposed a common European economic market throughout the European Economic Community.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Public document analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public document analysis - Article Example The police department introduced different departments within its system to improve their security services. Each department plays different roles with the mission and objective of reducing crime. The public interest in seeking for a safe environment for their lives and property spirals the police department to be efficient and interactive. Under the department of Management Information Systems Bureau, the integration of information systems and technology with the responsibilities accorded to the police is focused. †¢ What primary purpose(s) can you identify for this document? The main purpose of the document is to develop confidence in the locals about the services provided by the police department. The introduction of the Management Information Systems Bureau aims at improving the existing policing activities to reduce the rate of crimes in Virgin Islands. Another purpose that the document service s is motivation of the police officers. Training conducted on the new services i ntroduced by the system will ensure provision of quality services to the citizens. The responsibilities of the Commander in charge of communication describe the avenues enforced for the success of the system. Finally, the document warns people involved in crimes that they have minimal chances for escape after breaking the law. The skills used to monitor, analyze and investigate crimes achieved the goal mentioned. †¢ What audience(s) is this document intended for? How can you tell? The target audiences in the document are; the locals in Virgin Island, the police officers, Commander of Communications and the criminals. From the document, the police department is in charge of curbing crimes committed in the area. The mission of the Management Information Systems Bureau is to offer help to the police officers during their investigation operations. Though they have been offering these services, there could have been challenges that they faced. The challenges could probably lead to r ampant crimes and violence. As a result, the citizens could have felt neglected and or undermined. According to the objectives outlined, the police officers targeted will be the implementers of the improved security system. Training on the new technological advances implemented by the department empowers the police officers. The second audience is the locals in Virgin Island States. With the improved system in tackling crimes and violence, they will automatically enjoy a secure environment. The secure environment instills confidence of the community in the police department. As a result, they will assist in playing key roles in reducing crime rates. The responsibilities of the Communications Commander ensure the successful implementation of the system. Finally, criminals are targeted to beware of their movements. The improved investigative and recording system, methods of analysis of crimes, accidents and traffic narrow their crooked lifestyles. †¢ What does the organization or arrangement of the document reveal about its meaning? First, the document starts with a mission statement of the organization, followed by its objectives. From the objectives is the documentation of the communications bureau and finally the responsibilities of the Communications Commander. From this arrangement, the document reveals the possible ways that the organization shall follow so that it can achieve its objectives. From the initial stage, attention of the audience captured facilitates their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical Review of the Research of Assistive Technology Essay

Critical Review of the Research of Assistive Technology - Essay Example However, research proves that teachers, as well as school administrations, have not fully addressed this matter. The instruction problem that this paper will address is mathematics, and how students with disabilities relate to it. Even though in the dark, teaching math to disabled students is undergoing radical change. Fresh developments comprise of mechanisms to classify children who have trouble with math in their early grades and ways of helping these students solve mathematical problems (Becks, 2010). Moving from computational math to a conceptual framework, these mechanisms ensure that disabled students are ready to tackle complex subjects such as algebra and geometry. Even though, not all students with disabilities have mastered every computational element of mathematics, these mechanisms have assisted many in developing their mathematical skills. In fact, teachers, in the future, particularly special education teachers, might need to reorganize their entire approach to teaching math (Gillam, 2011). Teachers, in the future, should place more emphasis on understanding the essential principles of math than just teaching, as well as making the subject open and significant to disabled students. Some of the key developments, mathematical-wise, are the screening for mathematics and teaching transference with "hot math" (Council for Exceptional Children, 2011). Word problems are an abomination to a lot of students, with and without disabilities. However, when students with disabilities run into these demons, they experience more challenges than normal students. They have trouble reading the problem, or they might just take the numbers and add them up, ignoring what is to be solved (Schlosser, 2008). Researchers have come up with a technique of screening for mathematics in these students as a way of noting which student can do well in mathematics. Screening students for mathematics

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Post Surgical Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Post Surgical Elderly - Essay Example The primary aim shall be focused on the critical health issues affecting the ABC's (airway, breathing and circulation) of life, where wellness shall be promoted, discomfort be alleviated and complications be prevented with in the duration of her stay inside the hospital. As part of a nurse's care, an effective well comprehended discharge plan shall be discussed both to the patient's daughter as well as the patient herself for home treatment. One of the most important tasks that a nurse assumes in the medical industry is to make sure that the patient shows optimum if not maximum health conditions prior to discharge. It also her duty to provide health education unto the patient and the patients significant others for a thorough out patient care, one that is understood by both in terms of semantics, relevance and importance so as to be religiously followed. Admitted to my ward 3 days post surgery, 77 years old Patient Tee is currently in 2 litres oxygen therapy with 99% saturation via nasal prong. Chest x-ray indicates that the lower lobe of the lung has collapsed with a sputum microscopy that revealed a few gram positive Vancomycin resistant enterococcus. The patient also suffers from dysphagia characterized by post swallowing cough as well as dysphonia. Physical mobility is likewise restricted possibly due to fatigue and or fear of pain. While patients pre-hospitalization history already reveals poor nutrition, as verified by her daughter's statement that the patient refuses to eat her meals, this is much heightened with the presence of dysphagia (Medline and Mayo clinic home page. 2006). The patient's micro culture and sensitivity results tested positive on Enterococcus species, although there is no sign of elevated temperature as of the moment. The initial focused assessment that shall be made by interviewing patient Tee's of her present condition in order to gather information related to how and what she is feeling, taking into consideration dysphagia, pain (if any), breathing and communication ability, her appetite, urine and bowel movement, and the reasons for inability and her description of the intensity of pain/discomfort, as part of my acquisition of subjective data. As a nurse the observation that will take into account my own objective assessment will include, her breathing pattern, willingness to move about, range of movement, coherence and affect; her response to touch as well as the psychological manifestation of how she feels about her recent conditions and finally verifying this observations with laboratory results Nursing Diagnosis with rationale: Ineffective breathing pattern and impaired gas exchange secondary to collapse of the left lower lobe of the lung as evidenced by the decrease in oxygen saturation in the blood whenever oxygen pattern is removed (Orem, 1980. p.11). Activity intolerance related to shortness of breath as well as fatigue related to impaired oxygen exchange system. Anxiety related to feeling of suffocation and possible fear related to disabling respiratory deficiency. Impaired verbal communication secondary to dependence of prong/masked O2 inhalation and lastly chronic or situational low self esteem related to loss of normal

Moral duties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Moral duties - Essay Example Categorical imperative requires reason to dictate the act we are morally obligated to do, one which is motivated by adherence to the consistent principle which could be applied to all and any rational agent. This deontological ethical distinguishes between the moral doctrines of right from that of virtue. Where the first is driven externally to the actor, the other is internal and concerned with ends. Circumscribing what end is - Kant required of a rational human being that he makes the object of his elective will his end. Kant is very much concerned with ends which at the same time are duties and not with ends due to impulses of the senses or subjective/technical ends. The former are for him objective/moral ends and rests on a priori principles. For Kant, a rational human being is a moral person, fully conscious of his moral duty or duties and deriving deliberate decisions using the metaphysical moral framework. The mere possession of capacity for rationality is nothing compared to its exercise and fulfillment in action. All of this is built upon the foundation of good will or universal good or good unqualified/unconditional and autonomous which he laid down in Groundwork. The Kantian moral system emphasize the performance of moral duty motivated by a priori principle recognized by reason and not from desire of expected consequence or emotional attachment or aversion because duty or end based on sensual inclinations is conditional. It is the role of reason to give fruition to a good will.1 Duty and right are the motivations of good will; aspects of good will, if you may. Groundwork portrays the search for the supreme principle of morality. It sets aside matters that are recognizable by the reader from everyday experience and conceives its subject to be a priori and metaphysical. I think Kant expect the reader to do the exercise of applying the test and criteria he laid down. Kant's recognition of will as separate from reason shows his recognition of actions and ends which are derived from will alone or that derived from a conjunction of will and reason. Reason alone cannot achieve the intended result. Obviously, "will" alone can only get conditional results unlike a real concurrence of will and reason or the good will. Groundwork does not really explain the manner and contents Kant conceives an a priori principles system to have. He takes this matter for granted and leaves too much room for the reader to speculate. Nothing in it describes what metaphysical structure duties should have. The universality test as a method of weighing duties is Kant's significant contribution to moral reasoning but Kant barely seemed to use it in his writings. Kant's method is to determine the universal law of morality applicable to all rational beings at all cases.2 He must have conceived of his writings as a workbook with which readers must work and apply as they go along; a veritable inter-active philosophical work for that matter. For Kant, the duties to perfect one's self and to promote the happiness of others are moral motives and ends in themselves, including that to avoid suicide and self-mutilation. The supreme moral index of autonomous good will identified in Groundwork is broken down in MetaMorals into specific moral duties. For Kant, doing one's duty is its own incentive, even for wide obligations such

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Employee Relations - Essay Example BCL has been operating since its origins with this structure with little or no changes made, the new managing director, however, is young and highly educated, and having worked his way through the business, wants to implement changes to the structure and make the business more modern in its approach to all the major functions mentioned above. The writer of this report has been appointed as the new HR Director, whilst a new operations manager, who also happens to be the new managing director’s colleague in university, has been appointed to replace the outgoing manager. Through a consensus, the three senior managers have come to an agreement that major structural changes need to made, by reducing the management hierarchy, and by forming a strategic partnership with a leading high street grocery retailer, Cost-Savers, in a bid to see the business streamlined and cost effective. The new partnership is expected to cut costs down in terms of premises rentals, as BCL will have their shops within Cost-Savers shops. Another key factor is that Cost-Saver and BCL will share a distribution depot while one of the smaller of BCL’s depots will be shut, and where Cost-Savers and BCL are in the same location, the BCL shop will be closed whilst core and flexible staff of that BCL shop will be offered positions at the Cost-Savers shop, and the rest made redundant. Also certain low profit stores of BCL will be shut altogether. The main changes in the management structure include: Reduction of the number of districts from 16 to 12 District managers will be given expanded responsibilities for product placement, identifying new opportunities and increasing sales within their district Each regional manager will be given the added responsibility of providing development opportunities for store and district managers Each store manager will be given autonomy to recruit staff, promote products, stock products on own discretion, and have more direct contact with head office. All managers will be coached to become leaders and not merely managers for their sectors. Staff would be given the added incentive of a profit based six monthly bonus to boost their sense of belonging to the organisation. The main task given to the writer as HR Director is to come up with a plan to make sure the above changes have a positive effect on staff, and that an employment relationship culture of teamwork is brought about through the changes. This would mean engaging the staff in matters related to key decision making, and change the existing non-directional management of individual stores to align with corporate directions. Key Literature Review: From the above introduction, it can be inferred that BCL has decided to go from a hierarchical, and centralised organisational structure to a horizontal and decentralised structure. It is therefore important to understand these terms before delving any deeper. Organisational Structure: The term ‘organisational structureâ€⠄¢ simply refers to the way in which job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. It involves the processes of work specialisation, where tasks in the organisation are subdivided into separate jobs; departmentalisation, where the subdivided jobs are grouped together; chain of command, which

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nonstop of Musical Innovation Essay Example for Free

Nonstop of Musical Innovation Essay In recent times, pop culture had been one of the most evident products of media which had strongly influenced many, many generations including our present society. Legions of different rock bands from the very famous groups such as Beatles, The Who, Metallica and Aero Smith and other different bands and artists have sprung out through the years and have influenced the kind or genre of music that can be currently heard by many people. Different age groups had been affected the lyrics, rhythm, and trends that all the bands had brought to the public. The popularity of the pop culture had spread in different parts of the United States as well as other countries. Aerosmith: In the early times of rock music artist such as Elvis Presley and the band called Beatles had been invading the airwaves. Most of the albums made by these artists had been best sellers in the world having sold millions and millions of copies in every record that they have made. Because of the uniqueness and charm of these artists many people had been captivated by them. Millions of fans adores and put them in a pedestal like they were gods. Devotion to these people was too much that there were horrendous acts done by people just in order to see them live. The frenzy of admiring rock and roll bands had been absorbed by the next generation and was passed to the incoming rock bands of the next generations. In the 1970’s a new rock band paved its way in the rock music scene called the Aerosmith. This group became the most popular hard rock band of the 70’s that have set the sound and style of heavy metal and hard rock for two decades given their rough bluesy attitude. This Boston based group of five discovered a sound between the menace of the band Rolling Stones and campy, grubby grandiosity of the punk rock band called the New York Dolls. In the flowery words of writer Stephen Thomas Erlewine Aero Smith â€Å"developed a lean, dirty riff-oriented boogie that was loose and swinging and as hard as a diamond† (Erlewine n. p. ). The rock band was originally from Boston and was also known as â€Å"The Bad Boys of Boston† and â€Å"The Greatest Rock and Roll Band† due to their attitude on stage and the transform that they have contributed to the American music and its society. The band had mixed the sound of hard rock, metal, and RB which was imitated by many artists and bands of the following generations. The band have musically innovated this type of music which had been their signature sound. However, this band did not start from the top of the music industry thus they started in Massachusetts, Boston and eventually they were able to acquire supporters that followed them through out their career. The band Aerosmith is composed of 5 group members with Steve Tyler as the lead vocalist, Joe Perry and Ray Tabano as the guitarists, Tom Hamilton as the bassist, and Joe Kramer as their drummer. After a few months of playing together, Ray Tabano was replaced by another guitarist named Brad Whitford. After only 2 years of continuous gigs the band already has recorded songs for Columbia Records and their album was first release in 1973. Their album was entitled Aerosmith which already sold millions of records. Their following album was released and became successful. In 1976, their album Rock has made their existence in the music industry stable. Due to this album, the band had been named as one of the most significant artists that are in the hard rock genre. Through the continuous rise of the band’s career, conflicts within the groups have risen. Misunderstanding among its group members became a problem that they needed to face. Another issue that they have to overcome was the drug addiction of members of their group Due to these concerns two of the band members Perry and Whitford left the band in 1979 and 1981. In the following years of Aerosmith’s career, they have received nominations and gained more fans through the years. Due to the unchanging popularity of the band and their songs, the new generations of listeners were grabbed by this band gaining more support and influence unlike other band did. The ability of the band to relate their lyrics to the current listeners and their talent to mix genres of music had been very helpful for the group because they had been flexible for all their listeners. Though the years, many different songs had been popularized by the band. Many songs made by Aerosmith have topped the charts of MTV, Billboard and the likes. They were also nominated in different parts of the world and had performed in different stages may it be in Europe, Asia, or Latin America. Their songs had been soundtracks for different movies like Armagedon, Charlie’s Angels and other long list of other movies. All the songs that were done by the Aerosmith had been a hit for most people and one of the most popular songs that they had made was â€Å"Walk this Way. † The song was made in 1970s and became one of the most popular songs at that time. The heavy rock blues of the song became one of the most significant symbols of the era due to the honestly of the lyrics and the upbeat rhythm of the song. It had captured the ears of mostly the teenagers who would definitely relate to the lyrics of the song. Walk this Way: Aerosmith and Run DMC In the August of 1975, the song â€Å"Walk this Way† was released by Aerosmith that was in the â€Å"Top of the Attic† album. The song itself had topped the Billboard Charts 100 and America’s top ten (Power 22) when it was released. Based on Maury Dean the author of the book â€Å"Rock N Roll Gold Rush: A Singles Un-cyclopedia,† said that the song â€Å"Walk this Way† of the year 1975 said that â€Å"its lyrics get often smushed by screeching guitars, smashing crash drum thunder, whooshing keyboards, and keening guitar phrasers. Then the bass uppercuts the overwhelmed singer off an amp the since of a Rolls-Royce† these were that words expressed by the author as he describes the song launched by the Aerosmith. In another book written by Martin Power, he also described the song and said that the song â€Å"Walk this way† is a â€Å"wise –cracking tale of lost virginity† (Power 22). In Songfacts. com, it was understood that the song was about a â€Å"promiscuous cheerleader who leads a school boy through his first sexual experience. † In the following facts, it was said that the song was inspired by the movie â€Å"Young Frankenstein. † In the movie, Igor tries to teach Frankenstein to â€Å"walk this way. † Franskenstein then imitates the walk of Igor and learns how to walk. Aerosmith finds Frankenstein’s walk funny and then they decided to make it as the title of the song. Immediately, the song was written by Steve Tyler however, when they were about to record the song, he left the lyrics in the cab that they rode. Steve Tyler immediately ran outside of the studio but he was not able to neither call the cab nor obtain the lyrics again. In the last minute, Tyler wrote the lyrics on the wall. A fresh material such as the talk box was used in making this hit song. For your added information, a device box is used by guitarists to create vocal sounds through a vinyl tube that is fastened to the unit that is attached to the output/speakers of the guitar amplifier. An example is in the video of the Bon Jovi â€Å"It’s My Life,† where in the guitarist was controlling the sound of the guitar to create new dynamics of sounds being radiated by the guitar. In the continuing years, the song â€Å"Walk this Way† was stuck into the minds of people as well as many artists. The song was well appreciated by many and due to this a remake of this song was made in 1986 by a group called Run DMC. The group is composed of 3 African-American men that had made a mark in the musical industry similar to Aerosmith. The genre of this group is Rap and Hip-Hop which is very different from the genre of the rock band. Parallel to the rock band Aerosmith, Run DMC are legendary in their specialized genre. They had also won awards in the MTV music awards and Billboard Awards. Currently they are seen as hip-hop legends and an inspiration for many aspiring artists of the present time (Sony BMG Music Entertainment n. p. ). The remake of the song â€Å"Walk this Way† by Run DMC made a unique strike in the music industry. The two very different musical genres have come together in one song without over powering or overlapping the unique sounds of the two bands. The rugged sound of Aerosmith and the upbeat tempo of Run DMC were both evident and enjoyed by their followers. Due to remake and the collaboration of the song, the lyrics of the next version were changed to fit the rap part of Run DMC which elaborated the theme of the song. In the book written by Anthony De Curtis, he stated that â€Å"it was one of the first rap videos to get heavy play on MTV† (DeCurtis 248). In another phrase stated in the book of DeCurtis he said that, â€Å"the video was a successful attempt to introduce rap music to the white audiences† (De Curtis 248). In the point of view of DeCurtis, he sees that the collaboration of these two legendary artists have opened up the white Americans and African-American supporters of these groups to open up the minds of in the types of music that they are hearing. Although in the 1990s, racism was not a big issue unlike in the history of the United States, the types of music that person chooses reflects of the cultural background of the listener. The labeling of the hard rock genre is the type of music that white Americans wants to hear while the African-Americans listen to rap and hip hop music. Through this song, the strictly limited genres of hard rock and hip hop opened up to the whole society while showing that White American music and African-American music could be combined and eventually creating a new type of music. In addition, the video of the song was very symbolic in a sense that the video showed a wall separating the two artists—which were purely whites (Aerosmith) and purely African-Americans (Run DMC) on the other side. In reality, the invisible wall that is separating the two races was very present due to many factors of the society. As mentioned earlier, the connotation of white Americans as listeners of the hard rock genre and the African-Americans as listeners of the hip hop culture. In the conservative view, any person that is showing interest in a genre not usually appreciated by his/her race is seen as unfaithful to his/her community but through the music made by these artists. In some sense, the capability to hatch up the two very different musical genres was made possible. Aerosmith and Run DMC were able to reach the masses and were able to communicate their intentions. The successful collaboration of these two legendary artists led the way for the younger generations to appreciate the new genre created by these artists. In much recent times, the very obvious collaborations of various artists with different types of genres had somehow been a trend. Current artists such as Linkin Park, Limp Biscuit, Korn, Papa Roach, Incubus and Blink 182 are some of the most popular bands who had been exemplifying the great influence Aerosmith and Run DMC. The mixture of hip-hop, rap and rock is in fact manifest in the music made by these artists. Still, the upbeat tempo of rhyming words and the heavy screeching of the guitar had been a great influence for many artists today and is continuously developed to create new genres of music. Looking at the current music industry, more and more artists had been collaborating with one another. One example is Mariah Carey which never fails to include collaborations in her album and it eventually became her signature style. Artists such as the Black Eyed Peas have collaborated with a couple of various artists that has different genres such as Sergio Mendez (Bossa Nova) , Justine Timberlake (pop/ RB) just to name a few. Jack Johnson an acoustic artist allows his music to be mixed which house music in order to create new a fresh sound out of the old ones. Timbaland a very well known producer and artists is one of the most famous individuals in Hollywood that made collaborations of artists. Most of the collaborations that he produced topped the charts in different parts of the country and the world. Through the continuous creativity, innovation and talent of the current generation as well as the influences that they had in the past, the simple genres of pop, rock, rap, had became much more diverse and fluid. The conservative notion of just following the current trend in music, brave souls that are willing to be rejected and ridiculed by the society due to the music that they believe is beautiful are very well known and very much appreciated by the listeners not only in the United States but also in various parts of the world. Conclusion: Through the analysis of the artists: Aerosmith and Run DMC, the song: Walk this way (1975) and Walk this Way (1986), the video of the song, the current artists and their new innovation in their music, it is evident that the song and the legendary artists who bravely produced this song made a history in the music industry. The groups have opened up the creative minds of the new generation in creating new types of genres which could be more appreciated by various types of people because of the diverse mixture of sounds and rhythm. The one-time collaboration of Aerosmith and Run DMC have paved the way to many artist not to fear in creating the type of music that they really believe is striking and also be appreciated by many people. The constant innovation of music creates diversion of the music appreciated by everyone. The social construct of limiting a person or a race with the type of music that she or he should listen is now gone. The racial separation within the choice of music within the society had now been lessened. This creates a more diversified society and limits the barriers that are restrain the society from totally mixing with one another. Music is evidently one of the strongest influences that the society has. The wide scope of media and technology has allowed everyone to listen, and watch how various artists live their lives and inspire themselves in creating good music. The availability of the internet had created a much more intimate relationship between the artists and their supporters which creates much stronger connection between them. More and more artist had been influencing the people and society which creates more power and persuasion towards the people. WALK THIS WAY Aerosmith feat. Run DMC (1987) Theres a backseat lover, thats always undercover and I talked till my daddy say, said ya aint seen nothin till your down on a muffin, and theres sure to be a change in way now theres a cheerleader, thats a real big pleaser as far as I could reminice and the best thing lovin was you sister and your cousin and it started with a little kiss, like this She start swingin with the boys in school and her feet are flyin up in the air singin hey diddle diddle with the titty in the middle, and you swingin like you just dont care so I took a big chance at the highschool dance with a lady who was ready to play it wasnt me she was foolin cause she new what she was doin when she told me how to walk this way, she told me to CHORUS walk this way, talk this way (x2) she told me to walk this way, talk this way (x2) just give me a kiss like this school girl sleezy with a classy kinda sassy little skirt hangin way up her knee there were three young ladies in a school gym locker and I find there were lookin at D I was a highschool loser never made it with a lady till the boys told me somethin i miss then my next door neighbor had a daughter, had a favour and I gave the girl a little kiss, like this she start swingin with the boys in the school, with your feet flyin up in the air singin hey diddle diddle with the titty in the middle I was swingin like I didnt care so I took a big chance at the highschool dance with the miss who was ready to play wasnt me she was foolin, cause she knew what she was doin when she told me how to walk this way, she told me to CHORUS Works Cited Aerosmith, â€Å"History. † 2 July 2008. Aerosmith. com. 2 July 2008. http://www. aerosmith. com/index. cfm/pk/content/pid/400028. Aerosmith and Run DMC, â€Å"Walk this Way (AeroSmith Run DMC). †2 July 2008. Lyrics007. com. 2 July 2008. http://www. lyrics007. com/Aerosmith%20Lyrics/Walk%20This%20Way%20(Aerosmith,%20Run%20Dmc)%20Lyrics. html. Dean, Maury. â€Å"Rock ‘N’ Roll Gold Rush A Singles Un-cyclopedia. † Newyork: Algora Publishing, 2003. 380. Power, Martin. â€Å"The Complete Guide To the Music of Aerosmith: The Complete Guide. † New York: Omnibus Press, 1997. 22. Rubey, Dan. â€Å"Voguing at the Carnival: Desire and Pleasure on MTV. † Present Tense: Rock Roll and Culture. Ed 1992. DeCurtis, Anthony. United States of America: Duke Publishing Press, 1992. 248. Run DMC Featuring Aerosmith. â€Å"Walk this Way. † Posted on: 2 February 2007. Retrieved 2 July 2008. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=o8A0rhVG91U. Song Facts. â€Å"Walk this Way† 2 July 2008. Songfacts. com. 2 July 2008. http://www. songfacts. com/detail. php? id=1295. Sony BMG Music Entertainment. â€Å"Bio. † 2 July 2008. Run DMC. 2 July 2008. http://www. rundmcmusic. com/.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Market structures in the Agriculture industry

Market structures in the Agriculture industry There are many types of market structure which are perfect competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. The market structure of Agriculture is perfect competition and sometimes referred to as pure competition. Agriculture firm is a perfect competition because it market structure characterized by a large number of firms so each of the firm in perfect competition produces an insignificant percentage of total market output and thus that no single firm can influence or control over the ruling market price. Â   (Geoff Riley, 2006) Besides, the agriculture product is said to be standardized or homogenous. Its means that, agriculture product is a product where buyer cannot differentiate in terms of quality, packaging or labeling. Therefore, in agriculture market customers dont care which specific firm they buy from because it is absolutely identical. Therefore, the firms cannot charge different prices for the same product in the market. (AmosWEB Encyclonomic) Besides that, There are freedom of entry and exist from the market in perfect competition. This type of market is feasible in the long run and no firm will dominate the market and evict other firm. (Geoff Riley, 2006) Furthermore, each firms product supplied to the markets that are prefect substitutes for the product of others firms, so the demand for each firms product is perfectly elastic. Therefore, the firms in the perfect competition have no power to set the price they have to sell the product at the going market price. This type of firm are said to be price takers. (AmosWEB Encyclonomic) As a price taker, individual firms in perfect competition will sell their product at the equilibrium price. This can be shown in both figure 1a and figure 1b. Market Firm Price Price S P* P D Quantity Quantity Figure 1a Figure 1b At the equilibrium price, the quantity demand and quantity supply of the market is balance. The equilibrium price can be shown in figure 1a, where the supply and demand curve intersects with each others. The equilibrium price is at P*. At any price below P*, the market shortage of the product would exist. At this price the quantity demand is higher than quantity supply therefore it will causes excess demand in this product. Due to the product shortage, the buyer would bid among themselves for the limited supply and price would rise to eliminate the shortage. (Grey Parry and Steven Kemp, 2000). Conversely, if the price is above the P*, the market surplus of the product would exist. Therefore, it will cause excess supply in this product. Sellers will want to eliminate the surplus by lowering prices. That is because, when the price falls, the quantity of demand would rise to eliminate the shortage. (Grey Parry and Steven Kemp, 2000). When either supply or demand changes, the equilibrium price will change. As shown in figure 2a below, the increase of food demands from D1 to D2 cause the both price (P1 to P2)and quantity sold(Q1 to Q2) to increase. At the old equilibrium price of P1, quantity demanded will now greater than the quantity supplied. Therefore, the excess demand will result the quantity supply movement along the supply curve to a higher equilibrium price where the quantity of demand and supply is once again in balance. A decrease in demand for food would have the opposite effect, the equilibrium price will decrease and the quantity also will decrease. (Grey Parry and Steven Kemp, 2000) Food Price D2 S P2 D1 P1 Q1 Q2 Quantity Figure 2a A change in demand will result in number of factors which are: Bio-fuel production increase Furthermore, the diversion of food for making bio-fuels has lead to increased demand for bio-fuel raw material, such as wheat, soy, maize and so on. Therefore, the increasing in biofuel production causing less food available for human consumption and the price of food crops were increase dramatically. The most clearly example are the use of corn in the United States for the production of biofuels. In the about 25 to 30% of corn output in the US is used for ethanol biofuels. (CNET News, 2008 )Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75 per cent and these prices are higher than the previously estimated, a study by the recent report of World Bank (Sumanjeet Singh, 2009) As shown in figure 2b below, when the supply of food increase from S1 to S2, the food price will fall from P1 to P2 and the quantity demand will be movement along the demand curve to a new equilibrium price where the supply curve intersects with demand curve. Finally the new equilibrium price and quantity will P2 and Q2 . Food Price D S1 P1 S2 P2 Q1 Q2 Quantity Figure 2b A change in supply will result in number of factors which are: Natural disaster First and foremost, that cannot denied that the natural disaster bring a seriously influence on the food production. The worst drought happened in Russia last year damaged a largely number of wheat crop and cause the Russian government to cease grain export for the year. Seriously flooding in Australia also damages wheat crops and causes some of the crops were downgraded for use only as animal food. Consequently, the wheat crops were faced shortage in the past year and cause the price of grain food has risen sharply. (Dr. Grary Peters, 2011) Negative climate changes Beside that, the word agriculture suppliers were significantly decreased due to the global warming. Therefore, in the global warming period will result in additional price increase for the most important agricultural crops such as rice, wheat, maize, and soya beans. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute showed in December, it states that the global warming will increase the price of corn, wheat and rice by at least two-thirds by 2050. (Bloomberg, 2011) Beside that, according to the Integrated Regional Information Networks, IRIN, it state that within the next four decades maize prices could rise by up to 131 percent due to the global temperature and some of the African farmer might have to give up agriculture if the weather are getting hotter. (IRIN News, 2010)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mental Health Issues: Demographics, Types and Treatments

Mental Health Issues: Demographics, Types and Treatments Mental health issues May 6 2015 Table of Contents 1 (a) MOST PREVALENT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES 1 (b) DEMOGRAPHICS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES 1 (c) IMPACT OF MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS ON THE INDIVIDUAL, THE COMMUNITY, AND THE COUNTRY 1(d) PERCEPTION OF MENTAL ILLNESS 2. IS MARCIA MENTALLY ILL? References 1 (a) MOST PREVALENT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Mental health is addressed to a degree of emotional well-being or simply the absence of any mental disorder. In simpler terms, mental health may be defined as an individual’s capability to be able to enjoy life while creating a balance between the routine life activities and adjusting to the adversity and stress in life According to World Health Organization (WHO) ,mental health includes subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of ones intellectual and emotional potential, among others (WHO Programme for Mental Health, 1985). The mental health issues or simply mental illness is a disorder o the brain functioning. This may result from complicated interactions in between a person’s genetics and environment. The causes may vary in each individual depending upon the type of mental illness (Mental Illness, History, 2005). Some of the most prevalent mental health issues globally are- Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety disorders further include specific fears, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, etc (Anxiety disorder, 2010). Mood Disorders: These include major depressive disorder, also called as clinical depression and bipolar disorder Psychotic Disorders: alteration of thinking perception and behaviour. These include schizophrenia and other delusional disorders Personality Disorders Eating Disorders: These include anorexia nervosa, binge eating and bulimia nervosa (Farmer, Treasure and Szmukler, 1986). Developmental Disorders: ADHD and autism are included in this category. Behavioural Disorders Addictions: Disorders of craving Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 1 (b) DEMOGRAPHICS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Each individual is unique and so are the factors causing mental illness. It is measured that people living in poor socio-economic conditions are more prone to the common mental disorders namey anxiety and depression. This is further worsened by unemployment, poor education status and other financial disadvantages. The most common mental illness in UK today is anxiety. It accounts for affecting 9.2% of the total population.Next in line is depression affecting one in 200 children under the age group of 12 years (Voelker, 1999). This ratio decreases in teenagers to three in 100 . 29% of adults from all areas of life are affected by sleep disorders. In Britain, the prevalence of personality disorder is between 2-13% of the population when men are more affected than women(5.4:3.4%). Another striking study shows the prevalence of schizophrenia at 5 per 1000 individuals each year.ADHD 1.7% of the population of UK. Every year a large number of people would have their lives altered by an mental health issue and it is hence essential that we try to find however much we can about the improvement, onset and treatment of these psychological health issues. 1 (c) IMPACT OF MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS ON THE INDIVIDUAL, THE COMMUNITY, AND THE COUNTRY Most individuals with mental health issues are tested doubly. People with mental issue are at more risk for compromised quality of life, difficulties in education, poverty due to lower productivity, social issues, prone to abuse, and other health issues. education is almost always compromised due to the early onset of mental health issues which keep people from finishing their training or effectively seeking after a career.also, mental health issues bring about decreased individual productivity due to unemployment, missed work, and diminished profitability at work. This antagonistic cycle might likewise add to high rates of homeless people with mental disorders. Despite the fact that the particular societal effect of mental sickness fluctuates among societies and countries, untreated dysfunctional behavior has noteworthy expenses to society. At the point when mental sickness expenditures and loss of profitability are both considered, the WHO evaluated that mental issue cost national economies a few billion dollars annually.In expansion, mental health issues can compound other general health issues, expanding the weight on national economies and blocking global general health efforts.Although the dominant part of people with dysfunctional behavior dont show risky practices, violence and detainment among rationally sick people can put a critical burden and social weight on communities and countries. 1(d) PERCEPTION OF MENTAL ILLNESS How each individual deals with his mental illness is unique.Sadly, numerous individuals have negative perception of mental health issues. Pessimistic attitudes and an absence of comprehension can bring about individuals with mental health issues to be dealt with wrongfully or labelled in a manner that damages their stand in the society. This is once in a while called stigma, and can influence those with mental or emotional issues and their jobs and families (Thomlinson, 2006). Disposition toward mental health issues variate among people, families, ethnicities, societies, and nations. Social and religious teachings regularly impact convictions about the inceptions and nature of mental sickness, and shape mentality towards the rationally sick (Wallach, 2004). In addition to impacting whether mentally sick people experience societal stigma, beliefs about mental illness can influence patients status and ability to look for and hold fast to treatment. Subsequently, understanding individual and social convictions about altered mental behavior is key for implementing compelling ways to deal with mental health care. 2. IS MARCIA MENTALLY ILL? Our emotional well- being, psychological well -being and social well-being all put together as one defines what we call as mental health (Bhadra, 2012). A healthy mind is essential in all stages of life beginning from childhood and teenage to adulthood. Mental health affects how we feel, what we think and how we act. Marcia though brilliant in her field of work seems to suffer from mental illness. This is underlined by the fact that she stays in her house for days together and even gets her shopping home delivered. She keps herself away from people and the routine activities of life. Her sleep patterns and eating habits are disturbed as she sleeps late at night and even forgets to eat food. Though competent in her work, she failst o maintain her hygiene and does not even perform the basic task of bathing each day. She feels happy in her qon little coccon and does not want to open up and mix with people around her. All these symptoms, though very normal to look at could be masking a serious mental health issue. Marcia should consult with a specialist and change her attitude towards looking at things. She should socialize as man is a social animal and should take care of her health by monitoring her sleep and food patterns. References Anxiety disorder. (2010). BMJ, 340(apr07 1), pp.c1839-c1839. Bhadra, M. (2012). Mental Health Mental Illness: Our Responsibility. Health Renaissance, 10(1). Farmer, A., Treasure, J. and Szmukler, G. (1986). Eating Disorders: A Review of Recent Research. Digestive Diseases, 4(1), pp.13-25. Mental Illness, History. (2005). JAMA, 293(8), p.1007. Thomlinson, P. (2006). Dissecting the Stigma of Mental Illness. PsycCRITIQUES, 51(16). Voelker, R. (1999). Depression in the UK. JAMA, 282(22), p.2111. Wallach, H. (2004). Changes in Attitudes Towards Mental Illness Following Exposure. Community Ment Health J, 40(3), pp.235-248. WHO Programme for Mental Health. (1985). Psychiatric Bulletin, 9(8), pp.158-158.

Crime and Punishment: Avoiding Punishment is Futile Essay -- Crime and

Avoiding punishment is futile. Whether in the form of proper trials or through guilt, every person will come face to face with the consequences of their actions. Avoiding suffering only causes it to intensify. This is mainly demonstrated through Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov in the end of Crime and Punishment. Both men had been eluding their various torments and they realize the vanity of their avoidance after receiving crushing mental blows. Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov realize that the time has come to recognize suffering and responsibility for previous actions. Raskolnikov’s inability to hide his guilt shines through in his actions. When trying to defend his innocence against Porfiry he utters childish defenses. His suffering has consumed him and â€Å"he ran out of breath, nearly choking† (541) as the conversation traversed into uncomfortable matters. The connotation here of â€Å"choking† reveals how deeply Raskolnikov’s inner pain has bore into him and the effect of it weighing down his lungs. Furthermore, his refusal of this opportunity given by Porfiry to take his punishment clearly demonstrates how Raskolnikov’s every action is now affected directly by his airflow. Logically he should realize his game is up, yet his pride and brain’s suffocation are so high he cannot comprehend sensibly. He sputters out his sentences, pausing, and gasping. On a deeper level his brain function is also affected by the oxygen flow. This is clearly conveyed by his callous behavior and lack of thought to his future endeavors. His desire to avoid discipline is dimming as he realizes his time to receive punishment is approaching. Preceding his nerve-rattling last conversation with Porfiry, Raskolnikov seems to be lost and disoriented. Ter... ...s well. However this journey does not involve physical death. It involves going to the police bureau he once feared and confessing his crime. Although he lacks breath and feels faint he is at last able to recount the details in entirety and his self-inflicted suffering ends to be followed by formal punishment, or â€Å"a clearly defined air†. Coming to terms with past mistakes and accepting their consequences is an agonizing process. Admitting fault for former missteps can seem titanic. Prideful characters such as Svidrigailov or Raskolnikov find this burdensome. However, in the end, choosing to embark on the journey of acceptance becomes necessary if one chooses to commit wickedness, an act that man must succumb to at some point. In Crime and Punishment this journey also allows the character’s suffocating mask to fall allowing them to breathe once more.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays

Translation Trouble In the play "A Doll House" the main character, Nora, is in a situation where she is caused to act, emotionally and physically, as a doll to please her husband. Nora has to be very sneaky and conniving in order to be perfect and talked down to by her husband. The translation of this play from Norwegian was a little difficult. The title can either be translated as "A Doll House" or as "A Doll's House". Many people believe either title fits the theme of the play. I believe that the title "A Doll's House" may fit because it is Nora being a doll in order to please her husband Torvald. Torvald sees her as his toy, not as a human equal to himself. Torvald gives his wife pet names such as "spend thrift" and "squander bird". This shows just how controlling he really is. Nora just plays along, keeping secrets from Torvald in order to please him at any expense. This was a very common situation during the era whom this play was produced. Nora is smart and capable of a lot more but she lets herself be held back in order to be the perfect wife for Torvald. The title "A Doll House" would not fit the play because this states that everyone in the house is a doll. However, Nora is the only character truly pretending to be what they are not. This title would work if everyone was trying to give off an image that wasn't true, such as Nora did. If Nora is a doll then all the other characters would be the humans playing with her, causing her to do extra ordinary tasks such as forgery and lying. The best title is definitely "A Doll's House" because Nora is the only character acting in a different manner in order to please her power hungry husband, Torvald. Even if she was conniving it was all in good intentions. It takes a very loving wife to go out of her way in order to make sure that her husband isn't burdened down with the expenses of a trip that saved his life. However, Torvald doesn't really see his Nora as his wife emotionally but as his little sex pet. This is what Nora finally realizes at the end of the play when Torvald is only worried about himself and what everyone else thinks about him.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Charitable Organization and British Way

The article â€Å"The advert that beggars belief† by Alexander Chancellor is about beggars in India and Great Britain, they talk about how many beggars there are and what they are using their money on when they get some. Many people try to convince themselves that it's a stupid idea to give beggars money because they use them quite often on many stupid things. Westminster Council making a campaign there says if you give beggars money you â€Å"actually' are guilty in cause of theirs death.It is a bad campaign because they give a wakeup call to people and says it is a bad thing to give money to beggars and you should not do it, because you don't know what they are going to use their money on and if you do It you can cause their deaths. They call you to stop giving them money. 2. Give an outline of the carious attitudes to charity as expressed In texts. The four texts show the different views of giving charity, there are many ways to donate money today, from when you give a coi n to a beggar you see at the streets to end a text on your mobile phone to a charitable organization.The article â€Å"the advert that beggars belief' has a negative attitude to beggars, In Britain they don't want to give beggars money because they says It can cause their lives because they use the money on drugs or something like that. In the article â€Å"Charity never dies, It only sleeps† we hear about the British way of thinking to Improve our own and our families lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those around us. It Is a conservative way to think everyone has to be equal.In the article â€Å"the year of charltalnment† they talked about that there are so many charity organizations and you have to focus on one and that helps the famous people with, Angelina Jolle helps to focus on Sierra Leone. 3. Comment on the following statement â€Å"to Improve our own and our families' lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those around us. † In th e text â€Å"Charity never dies, It only sleeps† It Is the Brltlsh way of thinking: to Improve our own and our families' lives, It Is best also to Improve the lives of those round us.It Is on way out of many to think that everyone has to be equal, there are many people there think of this, and many people think that you have to be selfish about this, and don't give money to beggars. 4. Write a reply to the article The advert that beggars belief In the form of a letter to the edloter. Summary: Charitable Organization and British Way By Namer going to use their money on and if you do it you can cause their deaths. They call you 2. Give an outline of the carious attitudes to charity as expressed in texts. at beggars belief† has a negative attitude to beggars, in Britain they don't want to give beggars money because they says it can cause their lives because they use the money on drugs or something like that. In the article â€Å"Charity never dies, it only sleeps† w e hear about the British way of thinking to improve our own and our families lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. It is a charitainment† they talked about that there are so many charity organizations and you have to focus on one and that helps the famous people with, Angelina Jolie helps .Comment on the following statement â€Å"to improve our own and our families' lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. † In the text â€Å"Charity never dies, it only sleeps† it is the British way of thinking: to improve our own and our families' lives, it is best also to improve the lives of those around us. It is on way out of many to think that everyone has to be equal, there are 4. Write a reply to the article The advert that beggars belief in the form of a letter to the edioter.

Internal Control and Home Improvement Essay

Lowes mansion customfulness is a chain of retail headquarters value based in the linked States. It was founded in 1946 in northern Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Lowes Home procession has grow internation t emerge ensembley into Mexico, Canada, and joint venture with Woolworths contain in Australia. Lowes Home procession ranked 54 in endangerment 500 for 2012, decreasing four musca volitans in 2011 (Cnn m onenessy, 2012). Lowes Home Improvement is the second abundantst retail home improvement chain, behind The Home Depot. There be 1,724 Lowes stores throughout fall in States, Canada, Mexico operate with more than than 234,000 employees (Lowes home improvement, 2012).Stake al mortified iners be individuals, groups, or organizations that have a interestingness in the business. Stakeholders atomic number 18 categorize into twain types informal or external. Internal stakeholders send word be owners, managers, and employees. international stakeholders raft be suppl iers, lenders, and nodes (Worthington, 2009). Human Resource (Safety)There ar mevery gum elastic rules in Lowes Home Improvement. We strive to sustain a safety culture that integrates safety into all parts of our business. Safety is a yarn-dyeionateness value of our comp any(prenominal). We hold our leadership teams responsible for creating and maintaining a safe environment to escape and shop. Safety practices atomic number 18 in corporeald into each job task, and we retrieve training is unfavor sufficient to ensuring safety awareness and knowledge are maintained at the highest level ( counsel on safety, 2012, p. 1).When I was the Department passenger vehicle of Product Service, I was in sprout of 70 percent of all resets in the store including display changes, merchandising refresh, and ordinary product rotation. As an internal stakeholder (manager), I knew all the rules. How evermore, some of these rules blocked me from accomplishing my job. Some meters resets st rike me to nominate inside the bay to fun the products, beams, or shelves. This is strictly against Lowes policy, which states I should scotch an order picker (machine to hold me up). I on a lower floorstand the need for the rules, solely some cadences they asshole non be followed exactly (prior thoughts as a Department Manager). If I were to get hurt while doing, Lowes is apt for my injuries or death. Even though it intelligibly states it in our policy non to do these actions, it could not be proven that I was properly trained or ever informed about it. This is why it is essential for all disasters to be reported. As an coadjutor Store Manager, I moldiness constantly coach and train my associates and document (validate). I must ensure every finis my employees makes is what is take up for the business.Employee incidents are known as workers comp claims that straight push profitable. When the store reports the incident to our claims department, we are automatically d educted profits to soften for the expense. This stomach set up from $10,000 to whatever. . Just recently, we had to establish for knee surgery for our outside sales representatives. Unfortunately, these claims can take many age to close, because the individual can continue to get treatment even after surgery. Typically, workers comp bequeathing attempt to pay the individual out before paying for surgery. If the individual accepts the buyout, they will lose their job.An external stakeholder is the customers that come in the building. Lowes is just as likely for any injuries or damages caused to a customer as an employee is. Every aurora an Assistant Store Manager must walk the Daily Safety freshen (DSR) to range the store is clean, clear, and safe. We must verify that all clear stock, product, safety procedures, locks, and safety chains are up and operational. Recently, soul did not properly place a stack of trashcans in top stock. The trashcans were not standing on t he tops and cut back around 1130am, luckily no customers or employees were hit with ten trashcans as they fell.Customer incidents are known as general liability claims that directly imprint profitable. When the store reports the incident to our claims department, we are automatically deducted profits to pay for the expense. This can range from $2500 to $25,000. Anything over $25,000 is distributed among the rest of the district. To make up $2500 in pure profit is to treat roughly $6,000 when you calculate employee salary, utilities, and facility cost. selling ( shoddy Advertising)The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over check up ons any cheapjack claims of products or gains. Recently, the FTC won a $40 million buryment against Sketchers toning property and apparel. Sketchers falsely represented clinic studies claiming their Shape-Ups, Toners, Tone-Ups, and Resistance Runners would servicing people lose weight, and tone and sustain their butts, legs, and abdominal muscles. Th e more or less deceptive ad was used during Super Bowl featuring Kim Kardashian exit her own(prenominal) training for a pair off of Shape-Ups. Sketchers truly believed they would win the multiple lawsuits in different states, but choose to diminish out for the ease of the fellowship and individuals (Bachman, 2012).Deceptive advertisement can negatively affect internal and external stakeholders. Customer service is the most important aspect of any business. Deceptive advertizement can take a leak a negative experience for customers, which directly affect employees. A bad customer service experience can dramatically cost any business thousands of dollars. The meshwork is the playground for anyone. This can create a bad reputation when individuals post on their Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites. If a business loses its customers base, it cannot support its employees.Recently, at my Lowes Store we had the state department conducting an internal size up on pricing. The last time this audit was done was in 2004. The audit required scanning 50 products and substantiative the correct price is labeled. If the price was incorrect, this would be considered false advertisement or deceptive advertisement and Lowes would be handsome thousands of dollars. Fortunately, we passed the audit with no issues. report (Un estimable Practices)Accounting fraud will continue to march on if there is opportunity. There must be provisions that prevent opportunity. Olympus Corporation cover up $1.7 billion in invoice fraud. The three executives inflated companys net worth for five years. tether executives pleaded nefarious to covering up and excitement the chief executive who originally found the discrepancy. This is one of the largest collective scandals in Japan. The United States put in place corporate governance reform after the Enron scandal. These wrong behaviors can result in lawsuits from shareholders. later the Enron scandal, Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley (Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002) pushed a law through that changed regulation of monetary practices and governance of corporations.Internal stakeholders have large investments into their company. First, it is their livelihood. Second, they could own company stock. Lastly, if the corporation goes under what value does that company add to the individuals scoop up? Employees of large corporation rarely see their importance in the big flick of things. The employees build companies. No matter how low your position is you can directly affect the business positively or negatively. As managers it is my job to ensure that my employees are coordinate with the companys vision and mission.External stakeholders can also be affected by unethical accounting practices. The most obvious example would be if the customer were also a stakeholder in shares. This can directly affect the value of the stock. another(prenominal) example would be customers affected in smal lish townspeoplespeoples. For example, if in their small town there is no other computer hardware store but Lowes Home Improvement. What would happen if that Lowes store closed, where would citizens of the town go to get their supplies? How much further would they have to travel? This creates a wide inconvenience and provides opportunity for other small convenience/gas stores charge more for product.ConclusionAwareness is the number one preventer in safety issues. Companies must drive incentives for employees to remain and operate safely. At Lowes if, a store goes 60 years fortuity free, there is a bring in out that is hosted by the store. One time at my store, we went 265 days accident free, we held the highest accident free days in the division. Companies must develop and promote these incentives for employees to remain safe. This includes sharp when to get help and when to do it yourself. The formulation work smarter not harder must be in every employees forefront.Deceptive advertising is typically striket with at corporate levels in retail. However, these corporations typically do not deal with the problem. The store level associates deal with the deception. At Lowes, we are told to take care of the customer. Depending on the situation, as managers we whitethorn be able to substitute items to appease the customer. I believe there should be a fall in department that evaluates all marketing and advertisements. This may save the company millions of dollars from lawsuits of deceptive advertisements.Companies that reproach these ethics share common elements. triple common elements enable individuals to violate ethical or criminal misconduct in a corporation. 1. The availability of an opportunity2. The earthly concern of some form of pressure leading(p) to an incentive 3. The capacity to rationalize.These three elements are arranged in a pyramid. luck is the top of the pyramid. Opportunity is at the top because without opportunity nothing would exist . To reduce or eliminate opportunity, companies must implement strong internal controls. These can include policies and procedures, audits, and departments who handle (checks and balances). The best example of these internal procedures is a bank securing its money in a safe. These are designed to keep thrown-away(prenominal) people out. Pressure is laid at the bottom left corner. Pressure can come from managers using intimidation, family expectations (standard of living), personal vices, and lamentable decision-making.For example, a manager may use intimidation and say, You will be pink-slipped if you do not achieve your sales numbers. This type of pressure can cause certain employees to go as well as far. The last element is rationalization located at the bottom right corner. The individuals we are talking about do not think they are evil quite they justify their own misconduct. Some rationalization would be everyone does it, I deserve this, I am only borrowing the money, a nd the company can afford it. Unfortunately, there will be individuals who cross the ethical line. It takes the personal integrity of an individual to resist the opportunity. The best indicator of these individuals is there past performances ( primordial managerial accounting, 2006).To fix these issues requires admit checks and balances. Corporations must ensure they have policies and procedures to prevent such opportunities from existing. In addition, these policies must be validated consistently and frequently.ReferencesBachman, K. (2012, May 16). Sketchers settle deceptive ad case with FTC for $40m. Retrieved from http// news show/advertising-branding/skechers-ad-case-ftc-40m-140577 CNN money. (2012, May 21). Retrieved from http// Edmonds, T., Tsay, B., & Olds, P. (2006). Fundamental managerial accounting concepts. Retrieved from http// apter1/chbody1/ethical_consideration s.html Focusing on safety. (2012). Retrieved from http// on Safety_323526845_ Lowes Home Improvement. (2012). Retrieved from http// Slodkowski, A. (2012, kinfolk 25). Japanese camera and medical equipment producer Olympus Corporation and three of its former executives pleaded guilty on Tuesday over charges related to a $1.7 billion accounting cover-up in one of Japans biggest corporate scandals. Retrieved from http// phrase/2012/09/25/us-olympus-trial-idUSBRE88O01920120925 Worthington, I. (2009, February 09). Improvement and innovation. Retrieved from http//