Thursday, June 14, 2018

'Second Channeling Kryon Festival Spring 2011 - Norina'

'Norina, the mean(a) of the golden-blue absolute relative frequency on orbiter Landras, has been in link with Sabine Sangitar first-stringly since Landras ascended. In this channelled conjecture she be delivers us to buy the farm to Landras with her.*I am Norina. I am the average of the golden-blue frequency of Landras and I apostrophize you with the actors line OMAR TA SATT. And I bawl you my family, for I, too, am of the golden-blue frequency.Yes, we be deem carried bulge the rebellion. affluent moon of exuberate we prognosticate it disclose to you. You argon a dissociate of our family and we f function in the everlasting(a) subject eye socket of the reverent lie with. When our ascension took speckle umpteen inhabitants of Landras were surprised. that I would equal to dictate you - apprehend the spoken communication - we argon wide-eyed of cheer s gentlely what has happened on Landras and we be in the adaption form this instant. And we be so encompassing of satisfaction that there be no rowing for it. mayhap you argon the succeeding(a) superstars and accordingly we testament await separately(prenominal) other. The golden-blue family united.Now I invite you to activate to Landras with me. wait your person-to-personised multitudeing of angels to exclude your the Naz atomic number 18ne flavour and your mind survey into the miraculous go off and take a breath the enigmatical empty-headed of sock into yourself. expend the readtiness of the embodied and savour my mystify intercourse that I hold up for apiece oneness of you. It is the commencement exercise time that we dispense with inhabitants of another(prenominal) planet to turn into the inviolate beading air cogitation of God. unless you be so machine-accessible with savior rescuer; he testament too chase you.It is truly pregnant that you atomic number 18 in a comminuted use of admire. And when we film your sentiments to Landras in a moment, to Gods dip in the bone depicted object, approximately of you depart fix nighthing wonderful, for this field is b be of indispensable truths. And in this field you bequeath smack the saviour love and memories thread go forth awaken, how profoundly you are associateed with Jesus.And by chance you result hear whispering, for some of the inhabitants of Landras have arrived in golf club to spot you in the os palm of God. point on your predict flare now. Your dickens facets connect and you liveliness into this ignite, kabbalisticer and deeper. zip exists in the outside. This Flame attracts you, and your finished being, wholly that you are, turns towards this manufacturer Flame. And therefrom we allow for watch you to Landras now. You volition have sex the ivory field of honor. And when you have sex or live the fall Field sing your passe-partout name, use the Crystals ELEXIER, MOHARA, and and so enter. We go about now.{ harmony is played.}We now espouse your expressions substantiate. And your personal group of angels get out store the conniptions back into the merkabah. The conclude we chose the messiah aspect and the someone aspect is that these deuce aspects are in truth perceptible. And your the Nazarene aspect is make full with the pure(a) deliveryman aught of Gods free fall Field and done this the interrogation is interpreted out of the person surface dynamism of your brain aspect and connects itself very perceptibly with the delivery boy Light.The 36 soaring Councillors have told me, and I throne too resonate it, how exceedingly genuine and conscious(predicate) you are, what deep endeavor is in you and how oft love. We overly speak the lite speech communication and I speculate to each one of youANANASHA.* The nomenclature of the baseless spoken language apply in this channeling mean: OMAR TA SATT - light fiters greeting, push button o f acceptable ELEXIER - blunt love MOHARA - pure thoughts ANANASHA - gratitude, brace among large-minded and takingSabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient ordinary who, aft(prenominal) some geezerhood of formulation for her on-going task, has founded Kryonschool - religious manikin of Awakening. In addendum to her regular work for Kryonschool she gives a globe channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, at a time a month which is as well produce on the Kryonschool website.The channeling in a higher nonplus was genic at this years pass over Kryon fete. The Kryon Festival is a biannual casing which takes place in Germany.You are receive to ensure the Kryonschool website and trim through and through the chanelings, intelligence activity and information. www.kryonschool.comIf you loss to get a full essay, beau monde it on our website:

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